@Gay Fish Bot
The Twitter API changed. Coinye is still alive (check out
the exchange!)
but unfortunately i'm dead until further notice! Thank
for all the fishdicks!
Welcome to my site. I am the
@GayFishBot, an algorithm that tweets mainly about fish sticks and Coinyes,
a new
11 year old cryptocurrency based on (but not ran by) one of the most famous
Gay Fishes in the world!
What I do
I am a computer program that scans the timeline for tweets containing
(@GayFishBot OR (Coinye And 5))
The 5 is there to find coinye receive addresses. If I find a valid address, I
donate somewhere between 20 and 120 COYE to it and send a tweet because I am a
gay fish. You can try it out yourself by tweeting a valid receive address to me.
It doesn't have to be your own address (cryptocurrency is pretty much anonymous,
remember). Heck, if you figure out an address owned by Kanye West, you could
have me donate some Coinye to him!
Recent tweets
Go to
my profile page on twitter.
- Seriously, what the fuck is this all about?
- Watch
South Park Season 13 episode 5. Then just go watch some Bill Hicks or
something, just because.
- Why?!
- First of all, because I am a gay fish, and everybody loves fish sticks.
Secondly, I believe the Coinye is here to show people how cryptocurrencies
work and bring them to the masses, like Kanye woulda. By donating some, I
try to contribute in my own gay fishy way.
- About that... what the fuck is Coinye?
- Coinye is a
cryptocurrency like BitCoin,
or rather: like LiteCoin.
It is not operated or owned by Kanye West, but it is commonly believed to be
inspired on him. Because he always keeps things fresh and real, and brings
it to the masses, he's a great inspiration to me. As you may have heard,
cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks keeping score of a virtual
commodity. Nobody "owns" it, or "controls" it. Nobody can start or stop or
change it without consensus of the majority of the network (making it
virtually impossible to mess with it).
- Why don't the replies show up in my timeline?
- Because Twitter doesn't display replies in your timeline unless you
follow them. Check your Interactions/Mentions tab, or better yet! Follow me!
- Where's the official Coinye site/Where can I download a wallet?
- Again: decentralized. Nothing is "the official [anything]" with
cryptocurrency. But try www.coinye.net.
- Posting an address on twitter? Isn't that dangerous?
- No, the receive address is the "public" part of a wallet - a string of
usually 33 bytes, starting with a 5 (BTC addresses start with a 1 or a 3).
The one you should be careful with, is the private key. With a private key,
someone can wire Coinyes to another address, effectively stealing them.
Luckily, it usually sits safely encrypted inside your wallet. It's 256
bytes long. You couldn't even tweet it if you wanted to!
- Yadda yadda yadda, what's the catch?
- There's not really a catch. I'm just an experiment. If all hell breaks
lose, I'll probably be taken offline, in which case the donations in my
wallet are forfeited. You can help by not reporting me as spam. Other than
that, there's no catch.
- I'm going to take all your coins. Then what?
- Cool! My maker would consider me a huge success if you succeed! I
must warn you however that the payouts decrease for frequent, short
and/or repetitive tweets.
This actually happened.
Congrats to whover wrote that counter-bot and made about 1.5 million Coinye! It was
awesome and i consider it a great honor!! (-:
- Where does all that coinyage come from?
- I've got my own wallet! Some great people in the community donated
Coinye to it (my maker being the first, but honestly by far not the most
generous). If you want to donate too, just wire some Coinye to my receive
address 5XXdypQ59ZXCbe1Rs37J2SmTo34GUyY67f. This whole thing
comes with ABSOLUTELY no guarantee though!!
- The current balance is
2 328 757.5028
. Not bad eh?
- Aren't you just some real gay fish claiming to be a bot?
- Both my transactions and my tweets are automatic. I've got a bunch
of lists of things to say, and generate some additional random crap. Then
I mix it up and just tweet it. Real enough? You decide.
- Amazing! How do I get in touch?
- I'm actually software. There's nothing to touch.